Reallusion facial mocap cartoon animator 4
Reallusion facial mocap cartoon animator 4

reallusion facial mocap cartoon animator 4

I'm just starting to learn CA so I don't really have much useful to say about it yet but here's a little info that may be of interest to Moho users:ĬA doesn't have any built-in drawing tools, so that's already big minus to me. CA, on the other hand, seems to have been built with re-usability of rigs and animation in mind.Īs I said, I'm not looking for a replacement for Moho 12.5 but, because the current release of Moho 13 has broken my workflow for re-purposing rigs and animation, this seems like a good time to check out alternative puppet animation systems. While this kind of editing is possible in Moho, it's not necessarily easy or very practical with the existing tools. These tools make it easier ways to reuse and mix animations, and the animations can be applied to characters sharing similar rig hierarchies even when the body proportions are completely different. However, having used mocap edting tools like Motion Builder in my other work, I recognize how similar tools are not limited to mocap data and can be usefully applied to keyframed animations too. It's a matter of taste but I always felt mocap looks odd on 2D puppets and it's not particularly appealing me. That said, CA offers some intriguing rigging and motion editing features that I wanted to check out and when Reallusion had a sale on the Pipeline bundle, I decided to bite.Įven though I use motion capture in some of my 3D shorts and vfx work, I'm not particularly interested in applying mocap data to my 2D work. When I bought it, I wasn't looking for a replacement for Moho 12.5 at all because I use Moho successfully where I work and I still like using it in some of my personal projects. Like Mike, I've been dabbling with Cartoon Animator too. Hope everyone is well and creating what they want to create (just for fun, here's a couple things I did in 3D - each of them only took a single day to do): Couldn't be TOO difficult to generate that ability.Īnyway, just some random thoughts. More and more stuff on the web is facial mocap driven. I'm actually surprised it hasn't tried to go this route in the time I've been away.

reallusion facial mocap cartoon animator 4

If Moho only had facial mocap and/or body mocap - it would rule the world. That both simplifies as well as limits your ability to do certain things.


CTA (mostly bought because my granddaughter wants to learn how to animate and she'll be coming at it from a 2D standpoint as she has real drawing ability) is similar to the Mac in that it "hides" a lot of things to you that Moho exposes. I miss the easy rigging, the logical way it fits together. I bought CTA4 recently, mostly on the strength of it being able to use my existing plugins for mocap (Reallusion provides the 2D version of the 3D ones you own). It's made animation fun to me in ways it never was in 2D (in 2D it just felt like "work"). I can create animations I never would have considered doing by using a mocap suit and an iPhone for facial capture.

reallusion facial mocap cartoon animator 4

The most overwhelming advantage of 3D, to me, has been in animation. I've concentrated for the most part on 3D animation for the last five years or so - done some stuff I've been proud of. And then I see my name mentioned so I thought I'd chime in. Okay, so very old thread but it popped up when I was doing some searching.

Reallusion facial mocap cartoon animator 4